
Hi there, I'm Liv!

I've grown up in South Africa, Canada and Bangladesh, but for now, I'm living in Switzerland having just finished my undergrad in International Relations and Psychology and now taking my Master's. 

On the side of studying, I have spent  my time enjoying good food, good wine and great company. 

Over the years I have developed a philosophy that food plays such a pivotal role in our lives - it aids our healthy physical and mental growth, provides us with strength, shapes so many of our social interactions and even enables us to play a role in the sustainability of our environment. By being a weekday vegetarian, I have forced myself to find alternative and nourishing forms of protein, decreased my carbon footprint, encouraged sustainable development and saved loads of money. 

These are some recipes I have come up with over the past few years (if they aren't mine, I'll give credit where it is owed).

I hope you enjoy making these things as much as I do. I will do my best to get back to you on any questions or suggestions you have and both are always welcome!